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Get Ready For Spring With Your Field Maintenance

Get Ready For Spring With Your Field Maintenance

As the grazing season draws near, it's time for your animals to head back outdoors. Even if some farmers choose to keep their animals outside during the winter, it's crucial to ensure their safety in their pasture. As an animal enthusiast, you want to make sure your animals are protected from any potential incidents. Now is the ideal time to inspect your fencing and guarantee it is functioning optimally, giving you a head start on a new meadow season.

Below we've written down some steps to help you prepare for the season ahead.


Preparation for the grazing season:

maintenance process

The first step in the maintenance process is to check your energizer. If the energiser is not operating effectively, the fence will not have the required charge.

Goodnature Rat Trap

The second step is to check the voltage on the fencing. Using a fault finder can help streamline the maintenance process and make it easier to identify any potential issues. It will support and speed up your process.

Goodnature Rat Trap

The third step is to check the condition of your fenceAll the used material needs to be in top condition to ensure optimal safety.

Goodnature Rat Trap

The last step is to check the earthing. Grounding is important because properly grounded fences ensure optimum voltage. More information about grounding can be found here: how to improve the earthing of your electric fence.


In conclusion, taking the time to properly maintain your fence before the start of the grazing season can save you time, money and ensure the safety of your animals. A properly maintained fence not only helps to prevent outbreaks but also prolongs the lifespan of your fence.


The Gallagher check

Gallagher has developed a simple step-for-step instruction video. After the check, you can be sure that your energiser is working properly and is ready for the grazing season!



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