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How to build a fence to keep foxes out of your garden

How to build a fence to keep foxes out of your garden

We have collaborated with Gallagher to protect your animals against fox attacks with Gallagher electric fencing solution. Foxes are opportunistic predators that are largely active at dusk and at night. Foxes are omnivores and eat anything, although they prefer rabbits, chickens and voles, and even fruit. The Gallagher solutions have been used successfully for decades to protect chickens and other small animals with Gallagher electric fencing.

Gallagher’s Advice for Keeping Foxes Out

Many people choose traditional fencing with wire mesh or wood and think that will keep foxes out. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Foxes are shrewd and when they are hungry, they will do whatever it takes to get their tasty morsel. If you really want efficient fencing that keeps foxes out, there is only one solution, electric fencing. After the first contact with this fencing, foxes will stay away from it. A fox will not receive a shock from the same fencing twice. You have created a psychological barrier between your animals and the foxes. Keep foxes away before they reach the fencing by mounting a Fox light on the fencing.

Temporary Solutions to Keep Foxes out with the SmartFence

Portable fencing is ideal for you if you need to protect your animals or land against foxes for a temporary period. The portable fencing is easy to install and to take down. To be certain that your animals will not be bothered, Gallagher recommends double fencing for optimum security. For internal fencing, the SmartFence will be used, an all-in-1 system with posts, reels and wires from Gallagher. The SmartFence can be set up and taken down in just 5 minutes and suitable for uneven terrain. It is important to position the external fencing around 2 metres distance from the internal fencing. Gallagher recommends external fencing that consists of short 75 cm fencing posts with two wires. The wires are fitted at 45 and 20 cm. The wire must have optimum conductivity, to ensure that the fox will receive a shock from any part of the fencing. Vidoflex 9 or 12 is the best choice.


Gallagher Fox Fence

Needed supplies for building a temporary solution internal fence:

  1. Hobby Post White 0,75 m (10)
  2. Vidoflex 9 TurboLine Plus White 200 m
  3. FoxlightS 

Temporary Solutions to Keep Out Foxes with Double Fencing – Internal and External fencing

Gallagher recommends using chicken netting to keep foxes out. Foxes cannot crawl through the small mesh sized nets. Also, use netting with double pins, for optimum strength. It is important to position the external fencing at around 35 cm distance from the internal fencing. For an effective system we recommend external fencing that consists of short 75 cm fencing posts with two wires. The wires are fitted at 45 and 20 cm. The wire must have optimum conductivity, to ensure that the fox will receive a shock from any part of the fencing.

Chicken netting

Needed supplies for building an alternative internal and external fence:

  1. Poultry Netting 112 cm | 50 m Double Pin
  2. Gallagher Hobby Post 0.75 m (10)
  3. Vidoflex 9 TurboLine Plus 200 m 
  4. FoxlightS 

Semi-Permanent Solutions to Keep Out Foxes with the Gallagher Line Post System

The Gallagher Line Post system with high tensile wire is the ideal long-term solutions. Internal and external fencing will provide optimum security for your animals or land. The internal fencing is a 5-wire system with permanent posts. The distance between the posts is 7 m. The wire heights are 9.5 cm, 30 cm, 45.5 cm, 71 cm and 95 cm. The bottom wire is close to the ground. However, you need a powerful energizer like the MBS energizers to make sure that the grass is burnt away and that conductivity remains at its best. The external fencing is a barrier for foxes to reach their target. The distance from the internal fencing is 35 cm. The wires are fitted at 10 and 50 cm.


Gallagher Fox Fence


Needed supplies for building a semi - permanent external fence:

  1. Topinsulator PVC Plastic Post 13 mm
  2. Spring for 13 mm plastic post (10)
  3. Insultimber (FSC®) Corner Post 250x10x10 cm 
  4. Insultimber (FSC®) Strut 200x4x8 cm (1)
  5. Plastic Post Blue 1.50 m
  6. Zinc-Alu-Mag HT wire 2.5 mm - 25 kg - 625 m
  7. FoxlightS

Permanent Solutions to Keep Out Foxes with the Gallagher High Tensile System

If you need a permanent solution for your animals to keep foxes away, the Gallagher high-tensile system would be the best solution. The internal fencing is a 5-wire Insultimber system with permanent and floating posts. The wire heights are 90 cm, 65 cm, 45 cm, 30 cm and 15 cm. Like the Gallagher line post system the bottom wire is close to the ground, which means a powerful energizer is needed to burn away the grass. The external fencing is a high-tensile fence with a short post of 1 m, at about 50 cm into the ground. This is needed to keep your animals safe from foxes.


Gallagher Fox Fence

Needed supplies for building a permanent internal fence:

  1. Joint clamp angle with wingnut (10)
  2. Tension spring for 2,5mm/2,65mm HT/EQ wire (1)
  3. Wire tensioner (3)
  4. Strain insulator reinforced white (5)
  5. Insultimber (FSC®) Strainer Post 10 x 10 cm | 2,50 m
  6. Insultimber (FSC®) Strut 200 x 4 x 8 cm (1)
  7. Insultimber (FSC®) Post 150 x 3,8 x 3,8 cm (1)
  8. Insultimber (FSC®) Dropper 95 x 3,8 x 2,6 cm (1)
  9. HT zinc-alu-mag wire 2,5 mm - 25 kg - 625 m
  10. Clips short for Insultimber/Ecopost (25)
  11. long clips (50 pieces)

Gallagher Fox Fence

Needed supplies for building a permanent external fence:

  1. Insultimber (FSC®) Strainer post 200 x 8 x 8 cm (1)
  2. Insultimber (FSC®) Dropper 95 x 3,8 x 2,6 cm (1)
  3. Clips short for Insultimber/Ecopost (25)
  4. HT zinc-alu-mag wire 2,5 mm - 25 kg - 625 m
  5. Tension spring for 2,5 mm/2,65 mm HT/EQ wire (1)
  6. Wire tensioner (3)
  7. Joint clamp angle with wingnut (10)
  8. Strain insulator reinforced white (5)
  9. Insultimber (FSC®) Strut 200 x 4 x 8 cm (1)
  10. FoxlightS

For expert help & more advice contact us: 0121 281 8163

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