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The reasons to choose a mobile fence

The reasons to choose a mobile fence

The reasons to choose a Mobile Fence:

A mobile electric fence is thé solution for temporary fencing! It uses light, easily movable posts in combination with suitable fence wire and a mobile electric energiser. When is a mobile fence the solution for you?

The 4 reasons to choose a Mobile Fence:

1. Dividing your pasture
Temporary electric fencing is the ideal solution for dividing your pasture into several smaller plots. It means you can use different types of grazing to obtain maximum yield from your pasture.

2. Move your Fence in Minutes
Using a mobile fence with tumble wheels lets a single person move a fence in a matter of minutes. Fence spiders are excellent for portion grazing.

3. Constructing and dismantling your fence easily
A mobile fence is very easy and quick to set up and can also be easily taken down or moved.
Electric Fence Online offers different mobile fencing solutions. The most recent innovation in mobile fencing is the Gallagher Smart Fence 2.0, which helps you construct and dismantle your mobile fence even quicker.


4. Create a temporary fence
By using nets you can easily set up a temporary fence wherever you want. 
The nets have optimal conduction of current. And they are easy to connect to each other so even large
areas of land can be fenced.

Shop all Mobile Electric Fencing products and for our German visitors have a look at Weidezaungeräte and Weidezaunpfähle.