Vidoflex is the ideal plastic wire for short, portable fencing. Suitable for sheep, goats, cattle and game. Vidoflex 3 is for fencing that is shorter than 500 m.
If you have or are looking for portable fencing that is longer than 500 m, choose Vidoflex 9. Vidoflex 9 is 40x better than other plastic wire, 50% stronger, easy to see and it does not stretch.
Gallagher strongly conductive tape for portable cattle and horse fencing. The colour blue ensures high visibility for wild animals (wild boars, foxes). Our top wide tape for medium to long fencing systems.
The most conductive TurboLine Plus poly wire 3.0 mm for portable fencing. The 6 stainless-steel wires and 4 galvanised copper wires conduct 80 times better than a standard poly wire.
Twisted plastic cord, suitable for movable/temporary horse and cattle fences shorter than 500 metres. Excellent conductivity due to 5 stainless-steel wires. It is easy to install. It has a 3-year UV warranty.
Pulsara Wire Pro Plus 400 m white. Suitable for fencing of over 400 m. Easy to wind up, so ideal for use with a reel. The strand is suitable for short, long fencing for e.g. cattle, sheep, wild boar and dogs.
Braided TurboLine Cord prevents a lot of stretching and ensures a long life. By using 3 tinned copper wires in combination with 8 stainless steel wires an optimal conductivity is realised. Soft-touch cord provides high safety for your animals.